See how fast your game improves
when you stop swaying off the ball
The root cause of the golf swing breakdown can be attributed to moving or swaying off the golf ball at some point during your swing path and were unable to get back into the correct position at the moment of impact.
Introducing our patented, scientifically engineered optical golf training aid. Provides in real time, 360 degree instant and exact feedback as to your head body movement during your swing. The Eclipse puts you in and keeps you in the correct position and stance from backswing to follow through. So Simple but so effective!
Eclipse Head position monitor
What Golfers of all skill levels are saying
Mark Evershed
"Seems like a simple thing but I would take this over a $20,000 Trackman in a heart beat."
Rachel S
"Really helped me self-correct." The best golf swing trainer ever!
Mary Kraus
"Unbelievable little device. Very simple, easy to use, easy to understand"
Laura B
"Love it! I found success right away with it."
Michael Blair
"The Eclipse was great. I found it very helpful. For me this was a great training aid to get me to stay centred on the ball."
Megan M
"So Simple! Great product. It did exactly what they claim it does.”