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Don't play another round until you watch this video...

Start (Consistently) Blasting the Ball 10, 20…Even 30 Yards Farther AND Straighter by Fixing the "Rookie Mistake" in Your Golf Swing

If you watch how the best golfers in the world swing the club…

​You’ll notice they all do it a little differently (and guys like Jim Furyk and Matthew Wolff do it a LOT differently).

But there ARE some common threads running through all these great swings.

​And one of them is something YOU can do.

​Doing THIS would IMMEDIATELY improve how far and straight you hit the ball (and your ability to do it CONSISTENTLY).

But if you're like most amateur golfers…

​You're probably NOT doing this "thing," the pros do…

And it's robbing you of distance, accuracy AND consistency.  

​That's why it's called a “rookie mistake" – it hurts your game whether you've been playing for weeks, months, years…or decades.

​Fix it, and you can start hitting the longest and straightest shots of your life…CONSISTENTLY.

​Ready to learn the "thing" all great players do?

​They keep their head still and don't "move off the ball" during their swing.  


Most experts agree, the root cause of the golf swing breakdown can be attributed to moving or swaying off the golf ball at some point during your swing path and were unable to get back into the correct position at the moment of impact. 

Here’s How "Moving Your Head Off the Ball" Destroys Your Chance of Hitting Good Shots

Your head is one of the heaviest, individual parts of your body…

​And it's located at one of the extreme ends of your frame.

Where it moves, your body tends to follow.


So, keeping your head still during your backswing keeps you "centered."

It gives you a visual and physical “reference point” to get back to the ball. 


It’s your lifeline.


On the other hand, when you move your head too much

"off the ball" during your backswing…

You break your reference point.

To get back to where you were at address, you now have

to make all sorts of on-the-fly adjustments to your body,

your timing, etc.  

You're basically "guessing" your way back to the ball.​

"guessing" your way back to the ball.


And that leads to a “domino effect” of problems… 


-You can't get back to address

-You can't return the club to the ball

-It throws off your timing & tempo

-You hit fat and thin shots

-You hit toe and heel shots

-You hit weak slices and blocks

-You hit wild hooks and low pulls

-It completely robs you of power

What "Golf's Greatest" Say About Keeping Your Head Steady and Not "Moving Off the Ball"

"The single most important element in swinging the golf club is a steady head. Without a steady head, all the other fundamentals go out the window." Jack Nicklaus

"The single most important element in swinging the golf club is a steady head. Without a steady head, all the other fundamentals go out the window."

- Jack Nicklaus

"If a proper grip is the first fundamental in golf, then keeping your head steady is the next." Arnold Palmer

"If a proper grip is the first fundamental in golf, then keeping your head steady is the next."

- Arnold Palmer

"I can't stress enough the importance of a quiet head for solid ball-striking and accurate iron play." Tiger Woods

"I can't stress enough the importance of a quiet head for solid ball-striking and accurate iron play."

- Tiger Woods

"Strive for keeping your head in place during the backswing and into impact." Tom Watson

"Strive for keeping your head in place during the backswing and into impact."

- Tom Watson

This is an excellent example of a steady head. 

Focus on how still his head is during the back and for-swing. Very little to no movement. This stillness is what the absence of error looks like. 

Here’s How "Moving Your Head Off the Ball" Destroys Your Chance of Hitting Good Shots

Think about this:


Your head is one of the heaviest, individual parts of your body…

And it's located at one of the extreme ends of your frame.

Where it moves, your body tends to follow.

So, keeping your head still during your backswing keeps you "centered."

It gives you a visual and physical “reference point” to get back to the ball. 


It’s your lifeline.


On the other hand, when you move your head too much "off the ball" during your backswing…

You break your reference point.

To get back to where you were at address, you now have to make all sorts of on-the-fly adjustments to your body, your timing, etc.  

You're basically "guessing" your way back to the ball.

  • "guessing" your way back to the ball.

  • And that leads to a “domino effect” of problems…  

  • • You can't get back to address

  • • You can't return the club to the ball

  • • It throws off your timing & tempo

  • • You hit fat and thin shots

  • • You hit toe and heel shots

  • • You hit weak slices and blocks

  • • You hit wild hooks and low pulls

  • • It completely robs you of power

Eclipse golf swing training aid. Instant feedback equals instant correction.
Stop swaying off the golf ball. Keep your head steady. Eclipse golf swing head position monitor.

It's Easy to Say, "Keep Your Head Steady" or "Don't Move Off the Ball"…


But How Do You Do It?
Keeping your head steady is not a new concept.  
Instructors have been teaching it for years.
But that's part of the problem:
Without an instructor watching you…
Or you watching yourself on video…
It's nearly impossible to know if you're moving off the ball.

Also, there are many golf aids and practise tools on the market but most are ineffective, hard to use and straight up a waist of money.



Introducing the ECLIPSE…
Used by many of the Worlds top golf instructors the Eclipse is the best golf swing trainer on the market today. The Automatic Way to Stop "Moving Off the Ball" So You Can Start Hitting the Best Shots of Your Life

Simple & Effective

  • Adjusts for Any Player

  • Adjusts for Any Club

  • Folds Flat to Go or Stow Anywhere

  • No Batteries Needed

  • No WiFi Needed

  • No Apps to Installs

  • ...But Extremely Powerful...

  • Gain 10, 20, Even 30+ Yards

  • Finally Enjoy Consistent Contact

  • Prevents "Moving Off the Ball"

  • Stops Slices, Hooks, Blocks, Pulls

  • Stops Fat and Thin Shots

How easy is it to use?

Unlike most golf swing training aids the learning curve is only about 30 seconds. The Eclipse head position monitor is ideal for any golfer, of any skill level that would like to hit straighter and further with consistency. The Eclipse sets up in seconds. It does not require any physical contact at anytime, does not require an app and does not impede your vision in anyway. All you do is adjust for the club and set it on the ground.

How soon will I see results?

You will Instantly see results and with continued

use with gain the consistency you seek.

Golf instructors and golf lessons are great BUT...


But if you don't have the budget or time for golf lessons…

Or you struggle to understand or remember all the things your instructor told you…

Or you have too many “swing thoughts” in your head, such as …

"Shift your weight…"

"Rotate, don't sway…"

"Swing with your hips not your arms… Etc., Etc., Etc.,


Golf coaches all over the World are incorporating our Eclipse into their training programs with great success.

You will LOVE the Eclipse

Much more then any other swing trainer.

You don't have to remember any verbal instructions or organize a list of "swing thoughts."

You just place the Eclipse on the ground and go through your practice or full-swing routine.  

If you see any "white" showing from behind the black circle…

You know where – and how much – you moved your head or changed your spine angle.

Then, you simply self-correct in real-time and you'll FEEL what it's like to stay centered over the ball. 

What Golfers of all skill levels are saying

500+ 5-Star Rating

Mark Evershed

"Seems like a simple thing but I would take this over a $20,000 Trackman in a heart beat."

Rachel S

"Really helped me self-correct." The best golf swing trainer ever!

Mary Kraus

"Unbelievable little device. Very simple, easy to use, easy to understand"

Laura B

"Love it! I found success right away with it."

Michael Blair

"The Eclipse was great. I found it very helpful. For me this was a great training aid to get me to stay centred on the ball."

Megan M

"So Simple! Great product. It did exactly what they claim it does.”

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